IJOY Pole-15 Coil 5pcs

343,50 ₴


Котушка Pole-15 від IJOY спеціально розроблена для комплекту IJOY Pole Pod Kit. Це керамічна котушка з опором 1,0 Ом, яка ефективно запобігає сухому нагріванню та подовжує термін служби котушки з оригінальним смаком рідини. 

Придбайте її як запасну частину для вашого IJOY Pole Pod Kit. 5шт в упаковці.


Параметри змінної котушки Pole-15:

Бренд IJOY
Тип котушки Керамічна котушка 1. 0 Ом
Підходить для IJOY Pole Pod Kit
Кількість 5pcs/pack

Вміст пакету

У комплекті змінна котушка Pole 15:

● 1 x IJOY Pole-15 Replacement Coil 1. 0 Ом, 5шт в упаковці. 



call me irresponsible but I have just spent a fortune here. vawoo is to blame. so many ideally compatible products. can't resist.


triumphant. more reasons to buy from Vawoo. quality is to brag about and the brands displayed here are the best the world has.


recommended by me who has been recommended this item by a good friend. appreciate the quality. support all the changes this website is undergoing. I see many new seller have been added up. more choice for us.


Thanks for this offer that I have really been expecting. Sometimes I see good products on a huge discount but I don't need them at this very moment. And then I am looking for something I have to have and it's either not available or isn't discounted. But this time I have managed to see the item I was searching for (these coils) for a great price. Happy.


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